Wednesday, October 2, 2013

God Grew Tired of Us - day 2

The three men went to America, and they have not yet adapted to the culture, but they will learn.  Panther and Daniel moved to Pittsburgh, PA and they are living with a few other men that moved with them.  Same with John, but he is now living in Syracuse, New York.  They eat food with their hands, but that's just because they want to keep their culture alive within them.  When John and the other lost boys were walking along the routes that they took to get away from Sudan, he was taller than the other boys; therefore, he was to stop and burry all the dead boys.  All the men that moved want to do their best in America, so they don't let down the ones they left behind.  In three months, all the men are to pay the government back for their air fair. 

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