Monday, December 16, 2013

review for the exam

Today all we did was review for the exam on Thursday. Grace made a great quizlet for us to go over, and Mr. Schick went over it with us, and told her that it was a really good quizlet; it was, and we all knew most of the answers.  I think we all might be ready for this exam.

Friday, December 13, 2013

exam review

Today we went over the stuff that's going to be on the exam.  the study guide is on Mr. Schick's blog, and there is five different chapters on it, and there is nothing on the study guide that we didn't go over. there is some things on the study guide that we did with a video, and they are the video documentary of shift happens from Nike, and the video of Sudan and the few men moving to America. that's pretty much the study guide other than the actual chapters.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

going over the microfinance test

today we went over the microfinance test, and most people got a 93, because there were fifteen questions, and getting one question wrong would get you a 93. I got question three wrong. the question was: Kiva is a successful microloan provider who has lent money to over one million borrowers. What is the approximate total value of these loans? the answer: A- almost half a  billion dollars. what I put down: B- nearly ten million dollars. other than that one question that I got wrong, I did well on the test. (haha (like gumby))

Friday, December 6, 2013

testing on microfinance

(I forgot to publish the last blog, so I published it on Thursday.)Today we took a test, and Mr. Schick put some inside jokes in with it like Gumby and Grace's name. I feel pretty good about the test, but I also feel pretty bad about the test. I think I did good on some of the answers, and less good on some others.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

new unit

today we started a new unit.  it is a very short unit, and we are having a test on it soon.  everyone was pretty into the power point and Mr. Schick talking about it, and some people were on their computers taking notes.  we didn't have a break today in the middle of class because we were so into getting things done I'm pretty sure.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

make-up test questions

1. what is microfinance? it helps people with no financial services
2. what are microloans? loan people money to get a kick start on their small businesses
3. how do these two relate? microfinance helps people with no typical access to banking, and microloans help to give people money to start small businesses.
4. what is malaria? a disease transmitted by mosquitos.
5. how can malaria be prevented? you can give money to poor countries so they have money to get/make mosquito nets.     you can send doctors over to poor countries to give people vaccinations to malaria.
6. what type of mosquito spreads malaria? a female Anopheles mosquito.
7. what is a micro lender? an organization that makes business loans to individuals who are not able to obtain financing from traditional lenders.
8. what is an effect of drought/heavy rain? the climate in the region affects the farming which is relied on in many because they are not as developed as other places.
9. what are Peace Corps volunteers doing? working on business issues and are focusing on increasing family income, improving the environment for business, educating young people, and helping business find markets for traditional products.
10. how can you improve microfinance? in order to improve microfinance, we need to think of a solution to give people a chance to have a better life.  when people need money, they need a loan. this will help them escape poverty. it should be something that people can lean on.

Monday, December 2, 2013

presenting about microfinance

today we presented our class power point, and everyone seemed to work it all out, because it was a pretty good power point.  some people were playing games until it was their turn 'cause Mr. Schick asked who's slide it was every time.  I did a slide on malaria, and how it can be helped.  after the slides on malaria, I put a picture of the mosquito you should watch out for.  everyone did a good job on the power point, but also kept asking if Mr. Schick could put it on his blog; we all have this power point on Google Drive.  Mr. Schick said that he used our slide to show another class how we did it.